Dental Bridges: Tooth Bridges, Bridge Dental Work, and Dental Bridge NZ

In the world of modern dentistry, dental bridge, also known as tooth bridge, have greatly improved the way we deal with missing teeth. At Auckland Family Dental, our focus is on providing advanced solutions to restore smiles and maintain excellent oral health. This guide delves into the details of dental bridges and the process of bridge dental work.

A demonstration of how dental bridge is attached on the abutment teeth, with a pontic in between.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges, also known as tooth bridges, are personalized prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth. They feature one or more artificial teeth, or pontics, securely anchored to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants for stability and support.


Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Dental Bridges

The most prevalent type, these bridges entail pontics held in place by dental crowns, which are firmly cemented onto adjacent teeth.


Cantilever Bridges

Employed when only one adjacent tooth is available for support, this option, though less common, can be highly effective in specific cases.


Maryland Bonded Bridges

Also referred to as resin-bonded bridges, these bridges utilize a metal or porcelain framework bonded to the rear of adjacent teeth, requiring minimal alteration of natural teeth.


Implant-Supported Bridges

Ideal for individuals with multiple missing teeth or inadequate natural teeth for support, implant-supported bridges are anchored to dental implants, ensuring robust and enduring solutions.


Benefits of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges, including tooth bridges, offer a multitude of advantages, making them a favored choice for numerous patients:


Restored Aesthetics

Dental bridges effectively fill gaps resulting from missing teeth, restoring both smiles and facial aesthetics.


Improved Chewing Function

Addressing missing teeth enhances the ability to enjoy a diverse range of foods by restoring proper chewing function.


Speech Improvement

Dental bridges contribute to enhanced diction and speech clarity by rectifying gaps caused by missing teeth.


Prevention of Teeth Shifting

When a tooth is lost, neighboring teeth tend to shift into the vacated space. Dental bridges effectively halt this undesirable shifting, preserving proper dental alignment.


Enhanced Confidence

A complete and natural-looking smile significantly boosts self-assurance in social and professional settings.


The Dental Bridge Procedure in New Zealand

Consultation and Evaluation

Before undergoing dental bridge NZ procedures, our adept dental team at Auckland Family Dental conducts a comprehensive oral health assessment. We provide in-depth consultations, discussing the most suitable bridge type for individual cases and addressing any queries.


Preparation of Natural Teeth

Typically, adjacent natural teeth require preparation, involving reshaping to accommodate dental crowns that will support pontics.


Impressions and Temporary Bridge

Precise impressions of teeth are taken to create custom bridges. During the fabrication of your permanent bridge, a temporary bridge is provided to preserve aesthetics and functionality.


Fitting and Adjustments

Upon completion of your custom bridge, meticulous fitting is carried out, with any necessary adjustments made to ensure perfect alignment with natural teeth.


Final Placement

The permanent bridge is securely cemented into place, effectively restoring both smiles and functionality.


Caring for Your Dental Bridge

To ensure the longevity of your dental bridge or bridge dental work, adherence to the following care guidelines is imperative:


  • Oral Hygiene: Maintaining regular brushing and flossing routines ensures cleanliness of both natural teeth and the bridge.

  • Regular Check-ups: Scheduling routine dental appointments facilitates the continuous assessment of bridge condition.

  • Diet: Avoiding excessive consumption of hard or sticky foods is recommended to prevent potential damage to the bridge.

  • Tobacco and Alcohol: Limiting or ceasing these habits is essential, as they can significantly impact bridge longevity.


Opt for Auckland Family Dental for your dental bridge needs. Choose our services for a healthier, more confident smile. Contact us today to embark on a journey toward superior oral health and an enhanced quality of life.

 Schedule an appointment for consultation with us.


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